Miss. Barboza

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hello, My Name is Spike and I am a Lazer Light-aholic

We have one cat who is addicted to a laser light toy. each evening he sits at the foot of the sofa and just stares at us waiting for the light to come on. He is so addicted to this thing if he hears something that sounds like the click of the light he starts twitching looking for it. It is so bad in fact that any sound similar will wake him from a sound sleep. And if we cut him off for a day it is like he is "tweaking" looking for his "fix" of this light drug.

He has even stolen the light a couple of times from the table. I think he is trying to turn it on himself but it is difficult without thumbs.

We are currently planing an intervention for him. He has a sponsor now we just have to get him to admit he has a problem, because as we all know that is the first step to recovery.

Until Later
posted by Miss. Barboza at 10:40 AM


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