Miss. Barboza

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Where did the Week Go?????

Thursday already, I can hardly believe it. It has been something of a start and stop week. It seems as though everything is coming in fits. It will be busy for a while then it will drop of to the resemblance of a ghost town…. I think I just saw a tumbleweed. This is my busy season and the worst is just about over so even though I know it is busier than it was this winter because of the big let up it seems kind of slow, like when your driving on the highway for a while then move onto route 1. You know your not going as slow as it feels like you are.

Next week is the Fourth of July…Summer has seemed to fly by this year…I am certain it has something to do with the extreme length… snow in April can really put a damper on Spring. Usually by now we have been swimming almost every day, we have only recently begun to be able to do this.

Yesterday Troy and I rode the bike to Bangor. Something had to be delivered there and I volunteered us to go. It was a great ride albeit a little warm. Not too bad only like walking through the gates of Hell. But we had plenty of water and later in the day it cooled down some. When we got back we went straight to the lake in which I am pretty sure the last piece of ice melted just before we got there…. It was cold.. not sort of cold very cold the kind of cold that hurts. Of course we went in anyway…because we were already the kind of hot that hurts so when we were done we were just about right….
That’s it for now…..
posted by Miss. Barboza at 10:45 AM


Lost my week too. That poor plant outside the office bit the dust!
The lake was cold because the air was sooo hot. I bet it warmed up once you were in it.!

June 28, 2007 at 7:51 PM  

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