Miss. Barboza

Friday, July 13, 2007

WHAT IS THAT????????

I woke up this morning very confused…there was a bright light outside shinning through the window. What is that? A beautiful blue background surrounded the light. I wonder what that means. And to top it off there were no white fluffy things…WHAT IS GOING ON IS THE WORLD COMING TO AN END???? I AM FRIGHTENED.

Oh wait a minute…. it’s the sun!! It has been so long since I have seen it I didn’t recognize it especially with the background of a cloudless blue sky. Not a bad way to start a Friday the Thirteenth.

So far the “day of the damned” hasn’t been to bad, no worse than any other day. Of course that may be directly related to my lack so superstitiousness. Yes I know that is not a word, but you all know what I mean.

In Other News

We don’t have much planed for the weekend other than”
Strawberry picking
Grocery shopping
Relocating one of our dogs…she is being moved to the other side of the house
Extending the back deck

See not too much going on if we get all of this done we may even take on redoing the floor in our front room…. As if. See I do not live with people I would describe as motivated more like…ummmm…let me think…how about procrastinators. Yeah I think that describes them pretty well. Most of them don’t do anything unless I am there to direct. I seem to have an affinity for people who aren’t overly efficient, which of course I like to think I am…. hence the difficulty in any major project…

I will let you all know if we get the weekend list done…
Until then…
posted by Miss. Barboza at 6:30 AM


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